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Cannot start labs

I have an issue where when I try to start the RTO labs, it states that it cannot be done as some resources are busy. I can start each individually, but when I last did this, the squid proxy didn't start, which impacts progression in the lab


Hi! Does snaplabs have an API to invoke a lab creation? Thanks!

Microsoft Office is not activated

In all the Win VMs Office is requiring activation. This means that I cannot create Macros. Also emails sent to Bob never arrived. I tried with and without attachments. Could it be due to the activation ? Thanks for the help. Bye

Microsoft Office is not activated

In all the Win VMs Office is requiring activation. This means that I cannot create Macros. Also emails sent to Bob never arrived. I tried with and without attachments. Could it be due to the activation ? Thanks for the help. Bye

Failed to connect to remote access server

I have been receiving the following error several times over the last week that does not allow me to remotely access the labs within my tenant: "Failed to connect to remote access server. If you've just powered on your lab environment, please try again in a few minutes." I have tried rebooting the labs / stopping and starting them to no avail. It seems like this is happening to different labs within my same tenant as well. Please let me know how I can continue to access my environments. Thanks, Michael

Creating a snapshot

How can i create a snapshot for the environement?

Shirt corps not accesible

Hi, I have launched shirt corp themed , but some machine including admin machine are not getting up. Please resolve

Failed to connect to remote access server

Hi team i am facing this issue on the Eagle Bank template. How to fix this issue?

Questions on creating a Kali Linux lab

I've been watching a couple of videos and am very intrigued by your service. I see you have Kali Linux already included, but what if we want to add additional machines to the lab, such as a Vulnhub machine, or maybe Metasploitable? Those are machines that I would normally use in VirtualBox but am looking for a cloud solution.

Multiple community accounts connected to single AWS account?

I see that it is recommended to have a dedicated AWS account for SnapLabs. This of course implies one snaplab account <-> one aws account. Is that a requirement or can you have multiple snaplab accounts connected to a single aws account? snaplab account 1 | |----------------> aws account | snaplab account 2