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Heimdall lab has no Admin box?

Sorry if I missing something, but I'm not able to connect to any boxes, or OpenVPN will not connect via Windows/Linux, in the past I could just use the Admin box and use Guacamole to connect to the local subnet. But there's no Admin box? Thanks! mark

The machines from the "Shirts Corp" template no longer have internet access.

I created a new instance from the "Shirts Corp" template, and without modifying anything, the machines have no internet communication. This is a problem because it limits the tests I could perform in the environment. I need help to solve this.

Regarding Adminbox

I saw this post already: <https://docs.snaplabs.io/discuss/62bb39350e1e7e0046b406d0> This indicates we aren't able to log into this box, however I am wondering the security around the Guacamole Console running on it? Is it a strong random password? I ask because this publicly exposed service adds attack surface to the AWS account/environment. Thanks!

Cant Connect to any Machine in AD 2019 Range

I have all of my machines running but when I access via the web console all it shows is about:blank and then closes the tab giving an error that I failed to connect. I have waited ample time after powering on and several reboots.

Could not access template when importing a template

As title stated, I am having this error regardless of the template. All templates have the same "Could not access template" error popup when I try to import it.

Today, I tried to open the lab, but I encountered an issue where the Windows Start menu wouldn't open, and the terminals section appeared blank. When I clicked on the blank area, an error message appeared saying "explorer.exe class not registered." What could be the cause of this problem?

Today, I tried to open the lab, but I encountered an issue where the Windows Start menu wouldn't open, and the terminals section appeared blank. When I clicked on the blank area, an error message appeared saying "explorer.exe class not registered." What could be the cause of this problem?

Range limit reached

Hello, I could not begin with the courses, it is always displaying "Range limit reached" Do you have any sugestion about it? Thanks!

Lab stuck with error: We couldn't revert those instances right now because some are already busy.

Unable to shut down or revert the range. Would appreciate any help, thanks!

Password Spraying Lab

I just started the RTO. I'm in the Password Spraying lab. I'm able to perform the 1st two steps (ipmo and Import-Domain). What box is the ubuntu@DESKTOP-3BSK7NO machine? When I try to change folders (cd /mnt/c/Users/Attacker/Desktop/) on the Linux attack box it says no such file or directory. I can change to /mnt but there's nothing under it. I've looked in the list of servers/desktops but didn't see a standard ubuntu desktop. I know I must be on the wrong machine. Any guidance would be helpful. Thanks!

Accessing Kibana

Hi, For the CRTO course, after booting up the Elastic Stack ubuntu instance and running the elastic container with "start" it says the UI will be available at https\://localhost:5601 however neither Attacker Desktop nor Workstation 1/2 are able to access it. The Elastic Stack instance is simply a shell to boot the server so no browser to access it there. Anyone know how to get there?